Does your life feel like too much today?
Too much stress?
Too much responsibility?
Not sure what to do next?
Mayo Clinic physicians have a suggestion. Laugh!
Laughter has serious short and long term health benefits. We can actually think more clearly and perform more effectively if we laugh regularly. Especially when we’re stressed. Why?
Laughter enhances oxygen intake, increases endorphin production, stimulates our organs, improves circulation, and relaxes muscles. You might say laughter tunes us up physically and mentally. Sound too good to be true? Check out the full Mayo Clinic article here.
So let’s get started!
In honor of Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday, let’s enjoy an I Love Lucy classic.
Click HERE and Let ‘er roll!
Feel better?
Your child might like this one when he’s had a tough day.
Lucille Ball once said “I’m not funny. What I am is brave.” Of course, she was both. And she reminds me that there’s something about laughter that helps us to be brave.
What do you or your child do to laugh when the conveyor belt moves too fast?
Leave a comment and let us know so we can laugh too!
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