What is your child’s vision for the future?
Have you ever had a conversation with your child about this profound question?
There is power in expressing our vision in words.
A vision statement articulates our hopes and dreams. It helps us communicate what matters most. It provides a picture of where we’re going. When life seems full of distractions and competing demands on our time, it can guide our daily choices and help us “keep our eye on the prize”.
A Story of Two Families
Let’s take time to read the story of Brissa, Nick and their families.
You’ll learn how they:
- Create a vision for the future
- Apply the vision to everyday life at home, school, and in their community
- Become active in their community and build new friendships
- Build a future of possibilities
The vision Brissa and her family share for her future:
“Brissa will be self-sufficient, make choices, have meaningful relationships, and give back to her community”
The vision Nick and his family share for his future:
“Nick will be an active part of his school and his community, and make his own life decisions. He will have relationships with many people and be a responsible adult.”
Click here to read their stories: FamiliesCreatingVision. This is a pdf file from the California Department of Developmental Services. You’ll need to save it to your computer in order to access the full document.
Giving words to our own vision
Brissa, Nick and their families inspire me to think about the power of giving words to our vision.
As we take time to get in touch with our deepest longing for our child’s future, and as we try to put this vision into words, we will discern what matters most to us. This may bring new clarity of perspective.
Communication and Relationship
As we listen to our child’s own vision for the future, we come to understand our child in a new way. Do we share our child’s vision? Does this vision resonate with our spouse and other loved ones? Can we together craft a vision statement that we can all share? Our communication with one another around these questions can strengthen our relationships in deeply meaningful ways.
Inspiration and Focus
When we feel discouraged or become distracted in the busyness of daily life, our vision statement inspires us to re-group and focus anew on what’s most important. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey speaks of “Beginning with the End in Mind” and putting “First things First”. A vision statement helps us to do this.
What do you think?
Have you and your family ever expressed your vision for your child’s future in words? Have you written this vision down? Does this vision statement inspire and encourage you, and help guide your day-to-day choices? Do you think you’d like to try developing a vision statement? Please share your thoughts in the Comments.
You may also be interested in reading Seven Habits: A Shift in Our Perspective
Photo credit: Brian Griesbaum, Stockxchng