Thousands of people follow her on Facebook . Her YouTube channel has more than 240, 000 views.
But when Charisse Hogan began creating her videos four years ago, she often felt alone.
As a “new kid” at her high school, Charisse often ate lunch by herself. She felt the cruel sting of being ignored and sometimes even mocked by peers. It was a very hard time in her life.
When Charisse began creating her videos, she didn’t know who would watch them.
Her goal? To tell her story - and help create a world where everyone is accepted and appreciated as a unique and beautiful person.
Courageous creativity
Charisse expertly shoots, edits, and produces her own videos.
Her work has grown progressively more sophisticated over time, but the real appeal of her videos has always been Charisse herself. Viewers are drawn in by her genuine enthusiasm and candor.
At first Charisse’s videos were quite short - demonstrating how she does everyday tasks. Then came longer videos that feature Charisse enjoying favorite hobbies. She matter-of-factly explains her disability, showing her own unique way of working around physical challenges to do the things she loves to do. Her cheerful spirit and unflappable persistence always shine through.
Charisse has also produced pieces in which she shares her life experiences - from bullying to driving lessons to dating - candidly expressing her thoughts and feelings. And lately she’s woven music and art into videos that encourage viewers to be who they are and follow their own dreams.
Everyone Matters
Early on, kids at school started watching her videos on YouTube. Charisse says they began to understand that “even though we are different on the outside, we’re the same on the inside.” Friendships grew as Charisse became involved in all sorts of activities from cheerleading to drama productions.
Charisse graduated high school in May, and she now serves as a spokesperson for Everyone Matters, a global Inclusiveness Campaign supported by celebrities such as Desmond Tutu and Paul McCartney. She created two videos that have been featured in the Everyone Matters campaign. They are “I am Me” and “What I Want the World to Know“.
Day by day, Charisse lives out her message. She loves life, and she fearlessly and generously shares her unique self with the world. In doing so, she frees us to be who we are, and t0 contribute to the world in our own ways. Because Everyone Matters.
And, as Charisse reminds us in a recent video, Different is Beautiful - Life is Beautiful.
Your turn
Want to brighten your days?
Follow Charisse on Facebook, and explore her many videos on YouTube.
How does your child bless the world with his or her uniqueness? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!
Want to spread the word about Charisse’s videos? Please share this post. Thanks!
Enjoy your unique journey - one day at a time.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
Hi charssie,
My name is Kasia Henderson! I have cerebral palsy as well as you. I’m almost 18, and I recently graduated from high school in Washington State. I’ve only watched a couple of your videos, but I can already they are amazing! Keep up the good work.
Hi Kasia, My name is Mary.
I wrote this post about Charisse.
The best way to follow Charisse directly is through her Facebook Page.
Her page is called Charisse Living with Cerebral Palsy
Here is the link.
You can also follow Charisse on YouTube.
Here is the link to her YouTube Channel
I love Charisse’s videos and posts, too. Thanks for your comment, Kasia.
All the best!