Time for Updates and Link Mending

by Mary Mazzoni on July 2, 2016

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on Life After IEPs. links

If you are a subscriber, I’ve been in touch recently. If you don’t subscribe - here’s a brief update.

Life After IEPs is a labor of love for me. I’ve invested many hours here - striving to help you plan for the big transition from school to life after IEPs. I keep pretty busy at my “day job” as a transition planning consultant to 18 school districts - and I’m active with our local transition coordinating council.

Back in 2014, Life After IEPs reached the point where it was a source of essential transition planning information - with links to important free resources. I was happy to provide this as a gift to families and IEP teams - and I moved on to other projects.

Now - it’s time for me to return for some new content and some link mending.

Most posts link to public agencies, universities, school districts or non-profit organizations that have developed free transition planning tools. Unfortunately (and this is really frustrating) - the urls for many of these resources have changed. Often - the resources are still available - but at a different link.

Just as, in Greek mythology, Sisyphus pushes the rock uphill for all eternity - the job of updating all the links on this site is an unending task.

Let’s work smarter rather than harder on this:

  • I will spend one hour a week updating links
  • If there is a post with a broken link that is very important to you - you can:
  1. ”google the resource”, and/or if that doesn’t work you can
  2. email me at [email protected] and I’ll prioritize that link.

I will be adding posts occasionally to highlight new resources or changes in relevant laws, etc.

If you have questions or topics you’d like me to address - click on the envelope icon to send me an email.

All the best to you and your child as you plan for life after IEPs!

Image Credit: frankieleon on Flickr



Balance and the New Year Ahead

by Mary Mazzoni on January 1, 2014

balance high-ropes-course-58665_640The new year stretches before us like an adventure course. Let’s welcome it with hope and enthusiasm!

We and our children come to the threshold of 2014 as whole persons - body, mind, and spirit. We can navigate the unknown course ahead with joy - as we listen closely to ourselves - with a sense of balance - one step at a time.

What does “balanced living” mean to you? Here are some thoughts to consider. Please add your own perspective! Read more→


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Essential Tips from a Special Needs Financial Advisor

by Mary Mazzoni on October 6, 2013

MoneyHouse-401(K)2013-6809000715_64d3162d62_zYou want to build a solid foundation for your child’s financial future.

But you don’t know what you don’t know.

Too many families discover that there were steps they could have taken years ago to prepare for the financial needs of their child. If they had only known what to do.

Mike Butterworth is the parent of a young adult with special medical needs. For more than 25 years he has provided customized financial planning services to parents of children with disabilities.

In a recent interview, Mike stressed that financial planning is highly individualized. The unique needs and circumstances of each family must be taken into account.

Although this post can’t provide personalized guidance, Mike does offer important insights into topics that affect your child’s financial well-being. Read more→



6 Strategies for a Positive School Year

by Mary Mazzoni on September 1, 2013


How does your child feel about the new school year?

As the buses start rolling again, many students feel anxious. Especially if they’ve struggled with school in the past.

Here are specific strategies to help your child make this the best year yet - while learning self determination skills needed for success in adult life. Read more→



Learning from Young Leaders

July 27, 2013

I’ve just spent three intensive days learning from young leaders. These young adults love the lives they’re building for themselves. And they’re passionate about empowering their younger peers. Do we truly want our kids to grow as self advocates, to live the lives they truly desire? Then, as parents, teachers, and mentors - we must [...]

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Turn Your Idea of “Service” on its Head! How Kids Can Learn By Serving

July 18, 2013

Here’s a challenge for our kids: “Think not what your family and community can do for you, but what you can do for your family and community.” (John F. Kennedy, adapted) This isn’t an either-or proposition. Our kids must learn how to advocate for themselves - so they can access the accommodations and services they [...]

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ABLE Act - Learn More & Take Action!

July 4, 2013

The Achieving Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was re-introduced to both the House and Senate in February. First proposed in 2006, the ABLE Act would allow eligible persons to create tax-free savings accounts for disability-related expenses without jeopardizing their Social Security, Medicaid, private insurance, and other benefits. The bill has gained momentum in the last few years, [...]

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We Connect Now: By and For College Students with Disabilities

June 22, 2013

Is your son or daughter a current, future, or former college student? Maybe he or she feels a lot like Gabriela McCall Delgado did when she began her college career. Disconnected. Back in 2008, Garbriela looked for a networking and advocacy group by and for college students with disabilities. She didn’t find what she was [...]

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Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow Transition Conference: July 24-26, 2013

June 3, 2013

The PA Community of Practice for Transition Conference draws families and professionals from around the country every year. There’s nothing quite like it. Youth and parents alike have told me the conference has changed their lives. Professionals from diverse fields have opened their minds through this conference - discovering new ways to empower the young [...]

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Act Now! Support Accessible Formats for People with Print Disabilities

May 26, 2013

Do you care about someone with a visual impairment, dyslexia, or other print disability? Now is the time to take action to support availability of books in accessible formats. A proposed treaty now being considered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) would enact copyright exception to enable authorized public and non-profit entities to produce [...]

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